Calendar Change - NO SCHOOL Feb. 17-18

MCS Community,

The Lord has recently opened an amazing learning opportunity for our teachers!  Our faculty has been invited to attend, free of charge, a professional conference hosted by Toledo Christian School in February. This conference will provide our teachers with continued training in various areas of classical Christian education. We are amazed by God's provision and grateful for this opportunity.

So that all of our teachers have the opportunity to participate, the school will be closed on February 17 and 18. There will be no live digital classes, however, teachers may assign students homework, independent work, or project guidelines to complete.
Our current plan is that extra-curricular activities will continue as scheduled. If there are changes to these schedules, you'll be notified by the leader of that specific activity.
Again, thank you for your continued prayers and partnership, all for the glory of God. We are so thankful for the MCS Community! 
The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper. - Proverbs 19:8