Alumni Story: Kyah Crabtree serves in Ecuador

Kyah attends Anderson University where she is double majoring in Elementary Education and Psychology as well as double minoring in Special Education and Christian Ministries.
This past semester, Kyah was part of a team from Anderson University’s Education Department that was sent on a Tri-S (Serve, Study, and Share) Trip. These trips are designed for students to serve in their academic area, study abroad to enhance their education, and share their service and learning experiences. While in Quito, Kyah served special needs children at Camp Hope and taught elementary language courses.
While studying abroad, Kyah was able to explore and study various parts of Ecuador and learn more about the country and its education system. Kyah’s team also traveled to the jungle where they served with Jungle Kids for Christ. "It was both a beautiful and humbling experience to work with the children in Ecuador," said Kyah.
One of the takeaways that Kyah will never stop sharing is how amazing it was to work with the kids not only in the jungle, but at Camp Hope as well. “The kids at Camp Hope all have major disabilities and the majority of them live in an orphanage," said Kyah. "Despite the everyday hardships that they face, they were the happiest kids I have ever seen. The kids at this camp will forever leave an impact on my life of what it means to truly find joy in all circumstances.”
Kyah’s time in Ecuador only further solidified that the education field is where God has called her, and she is excited and hopeful for future opportunities to serve.