Eagle Update - October 2024
Check out social media for more Student Life updates!
10/1-10/3: Book Fair
10/1-10/3: K-5th Parent-Teacher Conferences
10/1: 2nd Grade Parent Meeting
10/2: One Hour Hero
10/4: NO SCHOOL (Faculty Day)
10/11: End of 1st Quarter
10/12: HS Band at Groveport Apple Butter Day
10/15: 3rd Grade Reading Test (Part 1)
10/15: 5th Grade Field Trip
10/16: 3rd Grade Reading Test (Part 2)
10/17: 3rd Grade Field Trip
10/17: 5th-12th "The Sound of Music" Auditions
10/17: New Family Virtual Meeting
10/18: Senior Breakfast & Meeting
10/18: 9th-11th Testing Day
10/20: MCC Fall Fest
10/21: 5th-12th "The Sound of Music" Auditions
10/22: 1st Grade Parent Meeting
10/22: NHS Induction Ceremony
10/24: 5th-12th "The Sound of Music" Auditions
10/25-10/29: NO SCHOOL (Fall Break)
10/29: OHSAA Winter Sports Meeting
10/31: Picture Retakes
11/4: Athletics Fall Awards
11/6: One Hour Hero
11/7: Prospective Family Visit Day
11/7: K-8th Family & Friends Open House
11/8: Legacy Day